By Driving More New and Existing Customers to Using Micro-Influencers
Using data science, Mustard finds top local influencers to produce high impact promos for social media.
Using data science, Mustard finds top local influencers to produce high impact promos for social media.
Mustard influencers generate compelling user-generated content (UGC) with strong local relevance and engagement, driving more customers with high purchase intent.
Mustard drives conversions through highly-attributable , delivery orders, promo codes, and in-person coupons.
Restaurants experience an average*
* based on actual numbers from case studies produced with Mustard’s clients
Boost your restaurant's ROI – book a free consultation now!
We set up an kick off call with you to learn more about your business, campaign goals, timelines. We will provide our own professional opinion on what works best for your situation.
We handpick the influencers that are the best suitable for your campaign. Once you approve the list, we will coordinate the booking for each influencer.
Influencers come at agreed time to film their experience at your restaurant, taking videos and photos of the entire process.
Influencer produces a content for your restaurant and share on their social media giving your restaurant new exposure.
With our unique technology we actively monitor social interactions generated by campaigns and convert them into diners.