Why Mustard.love is the Top Choice for Boosting Restaurant Sales with Influencer Marketing

August 9, 2024

The Most Advanced and Biggest Restaurant Influencer Network

1: 150+ Restaurant Locations Trust Us With Driving Customers to Their Restaurants

2. 12K+ Qualified Restaurant Microinfluencers Nationwide, More Than Any Other Platform

3. In 27 Cities in the US and Canada

4. 1K+ Promotional Videos Each Month to Drive More Customers to Restaurants Just Like Yours

5. 2M+ New Customers Reached By Our Influencers Every Single Month

How We Drive More Customers and Orders to Your Locations

1: Get the Best - Every Week, Choose the Top Candidates with Ease Through Our Platform!

2: Unleash Influencers’ Powers - Each Week, We Organize Influencer Visits and Payments to Make Sure Campaigns Happen!

3: Get Interest - Every Week, We Guarantee Influencers Generate and Share Content That Drives More Customers to You!

4: Stay Informed - Every Day, We Give You Detailed Reports on Each Influencer Post So You Can Track Results.

5: Pack Your Restaurant - Restaurants Experience a 10% Boost in Social Engagement and a Rise in Customer Numbers.

We use more advanced tech than competitors to lower costs and pass along 33% savings to you.